Micronic is a recognized training company and offers work placements to students as part of their studies. Internships are available at different departments, such as finance, HR, marketing, sales, manufacturing engineering, quality and product development. It is worthwhile mentioning that several students decided to continue their career at Micronic after their internship. Below you can read more about the experiences of one of our interns at the manufacturing engineering department.
“I’ll introduce myself first. My name is Stefan Hoekzema and I am studying next level engineering as my applied university masters.”
How did you hear about Micronic?
I heard about Micronic through my dad, who is working for Micronic as well.
Why did you choose Micronic for your internship?
The current times with everything that is happening around the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is what appealed to me at Micronic. I was curious to see what Micronic did in this time and how they contribute to help against the pandemic. When I heard that there was a position as an intern, I saw an opportunity to develop myself further and to help Micronic.
What assignment are you working on?
For my internship I am researching the quality of the 2D Data-Matrix code.
What is it like to do an internship at Micronic?
Until now I am really enjoying my time doing research at Micronic. The employees are always motivated to help me, and they treat me as an equal. This results in very good and productive peer-to-peer conversations where a lot of information and ideas come from.