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Read about experiences of interns at Micronic

Internship at Micronic

Micronic is a recognized training company and offers work placements to students as part of their studies. Internships are available at different departments, such as finance, HR, marketing, sales, manufacturing engineering, quality and product development. It is worthwhile mentioning that several students decided to continue their career at Micronic after their internship. Below you can read more about the experiences of some of our interns at the manufacturing engineering department.

“We’ll introduce ourselves first. We are Valerie Chan and Aulia Neyndorff and we are third year engineering students at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences.”

How did you hear about Micronic?

We heard about Micronic through some classmates of ours. They were going to do an assignment at Micronic, but decided to do another assignment with another company. They told us about the assignment at Micronic and we were very enthusiastic about it. We have another classmate of ours who already works at Micronic and we knew someone from our studies who did an internship at Micronic already as well.Intern Aulia


Why did you choose Micronic for your internship?

We chose Micronic because of the positive stories of our other classmates about the company. When we went for an interview for our assignment, we experienced that Micronic is an open and professional company. A good environment for learning and gaining experience.

What assignment are you working on?

For our internship we are designing a product presenter for the Micronic tubes and racks on exhibitions, to present the labware of Micronic on these events.Intern Valerie

What is it like to do an internship at Micronic?

Doing an internship at Micronic has been a positive experience for us. We have good contact with several colleagues at the company who are always willing to help us. Next to that, we have had a good image of what to expect after our studies.

Interested in doing your own internship at Micronic? Contact us here for more information.


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