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Technical support training

Successful Technical Support Training at Micronic

This last week, Technical Support Staff of some of our distributors came to Micronic headquarters in Lelystad for a Technical Support Training. Through this training, the distributors are equipped to give support on Micronic equipment of our customers.

Designed and assembled in-house

All Micronic equipment is designed and assembled in-house at the Micronic Equipment Assembly Centers in The Netherlands and The United States. With this training, not only the Micronic Technical Support Team can performance maintenance and help fix problems on our equipment, but our distributors as well. The services we provide range from preventive maintenance, installation support and customization, to repairs.

Quality and service

At Micronic, high quality and a high level of service are of paramount importance. By assembling equipment in-house, Micronic’s equipment assembly personnel and engineers have the first-hand knowledge and skills necessary to perform services quickly and smoothly. Now with the Technical Support training, not only Microinc personnel is equipped, but the Technical Support of our distributors as well.

As proof of the succes of the Technical Training, a Certificate was handed out, to prove that they are now equipped to perform service on Micronic equipment to help the customer better and faster.

Technical support trainingTechnical support training



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